
Our members cover all four schools and a wide array of majors at Georgetown University. 

We seek intellectual curiosity, people who ask the right questions -many of them- and want to find the answers to them. At GGC, we believe that we can equip you with an amazing tool set, but you need to bring the right attitude.


Given the nature of our work, diversity, equity, and inclusion is core to the work that we do. Diversity of thought, culture, and lived experiences allows project teams at GGC to come up with more effective, innovative solutions.

We pride ourselves on having staff from a variety of backgrounds, languages, skill sets, etc.

We want to hear your story and your experiences, and how that can translate into a new perspective at GGC, deepening the insights of our project teams.

At GGC, we take pride in our twofold mission and strive to stay true to it in all our operations and initiatives. It is important as an organization that our members understand its value and application to the work we do. Ensuring this furthers our mission and optimizes the development we work towards.

Understanding of GGC’s Mission

Interest in International Development

As a primarily international development focused organization, the projects and clients we work with hold immense real world impact and relevance. Our members are equipped with strong research, communication, presentational and consulting skills upon hiring and throughout their time in GGC. However, this skillset can only be applied effectively towards client work when members are enthusiastic about the project at hand. We are looking for consultants who are not just capable but excited and passionate about the work they will be doing so that we may create optimized impact.

A large part of all GGC work, no matter the role, is team work based. Whether on board, in C-Suite, or in a project team, members work together to brainstorm ideas regarding their work and GGC as a whole. Collaboration and sharing of expertise and perspective is paramount to our work as well as our culture. We respect and value each other’s thoughts and work since we understand it only enhances our mission and impact.

Ability to Work on a Team

One of the aspects we prioritize most in our work is individuality. We strive to ensure that our work is tailored and optimized for our client and their organizational needs. To develop such solutions, it takes out of the box thinking. Beyond project work, GGC consultants are always thinking deeply about their role, the organization and improvement.

Critical Thinking Skills